The hottest fire tool

you’ll ever spin!

What looks like a Dragon Staff, burns like a Dragon Staff,

WOWs an audience like a Dragon Staff,

but doesn’t require ridiculously difficult contact moves like a Dragon Staff?

The TAZ Staff!


The hottest, most bad ass, awe-inspiring tool in the fire circle has always been the Dragon Staff.  I mean, let’s face it.  What’s not totally sick about a multi-wick, spinning staff that throws off the biggest fire in the crowd. It’s awesome…but only if you have the mad contact staff skills to keep the Dragon spinning!

The Dragon Staffs  requires months if not years of tedious practice to perfect the arm and body rolls, cages, boxes and other contact moves required to keep the staff rolling, and those hot wicks in motion.  And who has that kind of time or patience – Not me that’s for sure!

The TAZ Staff is a revolutionary new tool that looks and spins like a Dragon Staff, but has a patented integrated transmission that lets you keep those wicks spinning with the super hard contact roll and box moves required to keep a Dragon Staff spinning!  Now you can translate your traditional staff skills onto a Dragon Staff-like tool…and the results are amazing!  Check out the video from the launch at FireDrums!  We jumped into the circle for the Dragon Staff take-over and we’re the hottest spinners in the circle! is the exclusive distributor of the TAZ Staff and offers a multitude of lengths, weights and wick configurations.  Already have a Dragon Staff out in the garage somewhere waiting for the day when you have an extra few thousand hours to practice with it?  Why not let Big Fire Tools convert your neglected and under-utilized Dragon Staff into a TAZ Staff, by retrofitting it with the TAZ-drive™ transmission.